Thursday, September 27, 2012

Big House Resourcefulness

Tonight, Tyler went to cook his popcorn shrimp only to discover that the pilot light on our stove was out...TRAGEDY.

This is not surprising as our stove is the ABSOLUTE WORST.

We then discover that we do not have any matches or lighters....tragedy strikes a SECOND TIME.

So what does the Big House do?

Lights the pilot light with a 4th of July sparkler, of course! (...don't ask why we have sparklers but no matches or lighters). Success.



I believe we have had this blog long enough that I can now devote an entire post to one of my favorite obsessions - Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. I LOVE these guys.

Here are a few pictures...need I say more?

If these adorable photos are not enough for you (and they shouldn't be!!) may I direct you to where you can peruse through a 1037 PAGES of GSMD photos. I have only made it through 603 pages so far but I'm sure I'll get through all 1037 soon...that's what my Friday nights are for, right?