Monday, September 10, 2012

A Quick Update

First off - an apology - we realize we haven't done the best job with keeping the blog "up to date" recently.  We'll make sure to make it more of a priority here soon because obviously hilarious things are happening to us everyday and you want to know about them.

So just to catch you up on a few things:
-Emily, Shelby, and I are currently watching Evens Stevens - the classic american comedy television series that aired on Disney channel - because, yes, we are all 5 years old.
-Emily & Tyler are redoing Emily's dresser and it's looking awesome.  I'm sure she'll be providing you with more updates on its coolness soon enough.
-I've seen "fat neighbor" 4 whole times today!
-The Irish festival was pretty sweet (pictures...all 2 of them...are coming soon)
-I've successfully rewatched the first 4 seasons of the office
-The house points currently stand at:
Ravenclaw 6
Slytherin 4
Gryffindor 1 currently, and most likely will forever be, in the negatives
If this confuses you it means you haven't read the "House Points" tab.  If this is the case you need to read it ASAP.

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