Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yoga Tuesdays

Now the moment I'm sure you have all been anxiously awaiting... my first post! I obviously held off posting for dramatic effect but some people seem to think it is because I'm lazy. Okay, I'm kind of lazy. Thankfully we do not award house points for blogging. I hope I didn't give overly enthusiastic blogger Jared any ideas. Shelby and Jared will literally ( - for your reading pleasure) kill me if this isn't finished by the time they arrive home from work so here goes.

I have been actively trying to convince Jared to do "Call Me Maybe" squats with me ( - do it if you want nice thighs) for the past few weeks but for some weird reason he has absolutely no interest in said awesomeness. I finally decided to put the subject to rest and try my luck with yoga. Success! Last Tuesday we created a fantastic yoga studio in our living room and did P90X Yoga X. Shelby ended up joining us in the middle of our workout. It was awesome sauce to say the least. In fact It was so awesome sauce that we have have decided to have Yoga Tuesdays.

And we took pictures of ourselves in yoga poses because that's what you're supposed to do, right?  Enjoy!

Yoga studio (note Shelby's "mat")

Just plain awkward

Upward facing dog, plank, and downward facing dog - we did these at least 20x each

Crane (what it should look like: )

Tree = the best after Child's Pose i.m.o.

Warrior One, Warrior Two, and Reverse Warrior

Saved the best for last. Gotta love Shelby's face in this one. 


  1. This is hilarious and I love it. Good work on your blogging debut. I don't fully understand house points, but if it's going to get you people to update this more, I fully support getting them for blogging, haha.

  2. I greatly appreciate this Big House update! Emily, it is about time...and Jared, I think you should participate in some squats to Call Me Maybe! I, like Emily, cannot figure out why you could not want to take part in such a fun activity :) I am so happy you are all doing well and enjoying The Big House, and look forward to future blogging! I miss you all!!
