Monday, November 12, 2012

Shuta a pow batta do do! What's TheBigHouse up to? Oh probably nothing...

I had the day off work.  So I did what anyone else in my situation would do: worked out, went to the grocery store, watched a movie, aaaaand took the things my roommates love most and hid them around the house with only a cryptic list of clues to help them find their way.  Tune in soon to see how Emily and Shelby fair this adventure.


  1. You should add "made Mary Grace's day by posting on the blog" to this list.

    Also, if I have to wait 3 more weeks to find out what happens with this, I will die. So that "tune in SOON" better be legit, haha.

  2. Jared, I feel like you have failed to consider who you are living with in this activity of hiding is Emily and Shelby...If I were you, I would prepare for payback :) - Emily and Shelby, if you need any help with ideas, feel free to call me (your "raisin loving" friend)

    1. Um, hiding belongings is one thing... bringing raisins into this just takes it to a whole new low. I'd watch yourself, Doenges.

  3. Agreed, bringing raisins into this would make it an act of terrorism. As far as the hunt for their hidden possessions went, they did pretty well. I hid Emily's dental floss and Shelby's coffee maker - the things they both love most obviously. The clues took them all around the house but they did it in a pretty respectable time...just proof that next time I need to make it a little more elaborate.

    1. Act of terrorism indeed. Also, just let me know if you need caution tape next time. I have a plethora...

    2. Terrorism = over exaggeration! Your hatred of raisins is a little out of control.

    3. If anything I would say that it's an UNDER exaggeration. The only thing out of control here is YOU, for somehow finding joy in consuming those tricky little nastys.

      Also... how in the world does everything always come back to raisins?
